winter time

It feels like Winter might finally be coming to an end and as it does I’m looking back over the past couple of months.

I made the most of the twinkly fairy lights and sparkly decorations before we took them down on twelfth night. Those days after the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations are some of my favourites and I’m always a bit sad when reality kicks in and it’s back to normal. Pictured here are few of our decorations and this lovely book “The Magpie and the Wardrobe” that was a Christmas present from my sister.

magpie&thewardrobebookI’m not really one for new starts and resolutions in the new year, I’d rather hibernate and reflect. However, I did join Creativebug’s Daily Painting Challenge: 31 Painted Patterns with Lisa Congdon to give me some motivation and a bit of a push to do something different.

pattern-paintingsMy partner had a significant birthday in January and as a treat we went to the Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour. I enjoyed it very much, it was a real celebration of all the creative talent behind the films. I considered studying set and costume design when I was younger and I’m still very interested in the whole production design field.



HogwartsWe haven’t made it out to the countryside over these past couple of months and I’ve had to get my nature fix from closer to home.



As the days started to draw out a little we celebrated with a Candlemas tea.



And just when we thought Spring was nearly here it snowed again!


It was pretty difficult to get anywhere for a couple of days so we hunkered down with some comfort food.

bananaloafJanuary and February are generally a bit of a struggle for me and this year I really seem to have lost my mojo. I found the writing of Tove Jansson helpful a couple of years ago, see this blog post, but even that couldn’t help this year. I’ve had various viruses and think my hormones are causing a certain amount of havoc at the moment too. Do you have a hard time with the Winter months or is it one of your favourite times of the year? I’d love to hear any tips you might have on getting through the Winter, or advice on coping with perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms. I’m hoping that the Spring brings me some more energy and you too if you need it.


  1. January and February are always tough for me too. Thank goodness it’s March. Even if it started with snow. I make the effort to get outdoors every day to get some real light. Truthfully though I think a move to the med is the only solution.

    • Meeni says:

      Yes, I think getting outdoors is good. I don’t think I’ve been outside enough this winter, I’m really craving some good walks.

  2. Madeline,

    I can completely relate to having the winter blues! It also hits me especially hard after the holidays when the lights and baubles get packed away. This year however we left some Christmas lights up, as did many of our neighbors. They still give us joy!

    I jokingly say to my family that it’s the time of year that we are ‘living in the dark’, but really it’s no joke. I fluctuate between having all the lights on in whatever room I’m in for that particular evening to completely falling into bed at a very early hour – 7 or 8! I try to have some kind of creative project going to keep myself busy. It’s something to look forward to and something that takes planning and thought – kind of a way to trick the mind into distraction.

    As for menopausal symptoms, I have to say the biggest factor that has helped me is drinking water! My daughter kept encouraging me about how important this practice is and once I started drinking 4-6 glasses a day, my headaches went away. Sleep also is important. I figured out that my natural or perfect bedtime is 11 p.m. Any later of a bedtime and I wake up feeling groggy and drained. So I have to be disciplined with myself, especially in the summer months when it can still be light outside at 10 p.m. Funny how primitive our brains still are…and why not? Other suggestions could be diet, walks, exercise.

    I hope you find some comfort and relief Madeline. Do take care!

    • Meeni says:

      Thanks so much for your concern June. I am going to try and drink more water!
      The days are lengthening now and I’m so glad to see signs of Spring at long last.

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