adventures in bread making

This year I have been practising making bread. Fed up with mass produced bread, it’s boring texture and the amount of additives that it includes, I decided to have a go myself. I have made bread in the past but I’ve never been that pleased with the results, it’s tended to be a bit heavy and hasn’t risen too well. I now have some very good recipe books and have to say that my recent attempts have been alright, thanks to my go to girls Rachel Allen (and her Bake book) and Tessa Kiros (and her books Falling Cloudberries and Apples for Jam).

(click on images to enlarge)

So far I’ve made basic white and wholemeal loaves and soda bread loaves and buns. If I haven’t got time to make a regular loaf soda bread is a good quick alternative. I’ve also made milk rolls, ideal for lunch boxes, brioche and bagels.

My bread making adventure is only just beginning and I have plans to experiment with different types of flour and make different types of bread.


  1. amanda says:

    Can smell the bread from here.. It looks great.I to love making bread,you have to be a little organised and think ahead.I will some times buy the ready mixed packets they are about 89p I just throw it in a bowl and let it do it’s own thing.I still might get a Bread maker!!!!

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